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QuickWood was started in 1976 and have since then been active in the market of finishing sanding for wood parts and metal parts.

Today QuickWood are located in USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia and Denmark and product will be ship from these locations to minimize the shipping cost for our customers.

Flap wheels have been used since the 1960 for an easy way to sand wood components and furniture parts without having to change the sanding head each time a new profile had to be sanded.

QuickWood started producing flap wheels in 1990 and have since then produced over 1,000,000 heads for happy customers all over the world. Flap Wheels are used for aggressive sanding in the coarser grits and fine sanding in the finer grits.

The final sanding before stain and sealer is often what people use it for. Sanding the part with flap wheels cleans up the work piece and sands off the fine wood fibers that are in the top of the wood.

Removal of the fibers in the surface of the wood will make the work piece feel nice and smooth but it will also make the surface more uniform and will make the stain color more uniform when applied.

The other advantage is less consumption of sealer coat, as the fibers are gone and cannot absorbe the sealer a smoother sealer is the result after sanding with a flap wheel before stain is applied.

Contact Information:

QuickWood LLC
13506 Summerport Village Pkwy #404
Windermere FL 34786

Phone: 866-888-5858
[email protected]
Specials SAVE 30-70%

Specials SAVE 30-70%